New Look!



We have updated our website to give it a fresh look, improve access to information, and better introduce you to our fabulous team.


  1. Who We Are: learn about what we do and the locations and times we offer support
  2. Who We Serve: more detailed information on the types of clients we support 
  3. What We Provide: gain insight into all the different kinds of services we provide!
  4. About Us: get to know our team and their diverse skills and languages! You can also find photos and videos taken at our social events and media campaigns.
  5. Articles: we are excited to share blog content about important steps in the settlement process, what we are doing in the community, receive updates affected by changes to immigration, stories of clients, employers, and community members alike!

    What hasn't changed is that we would be HAPPIEST to meet you in person at one of our offices. The best way you can receive the help you need is by using the CONTACT US form found at the bottom of the main page, calling our number (519-539-8161) to book an appointment or simply come visit us at 40 Metcalf Street, Woodstock. You can also find us on Facebook!
We look forward to supporting our clients even better with these new tools and information!

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